Granite is an igneous rock and it forms from the slow crystallization of magma. Granite has a medium to coarse-grained texture and it is composed mainly of quartz, feldspar and other minerals. Granite is available in various formats, colours, finishes and thicknesses. Colours vary depending on the mineral composition of the rock. Format, thickness and finishes vary depending on the application. Granite can be used for interior design projects and for landscaping. UV resistant and hardwearing.
Quartzite is a hard, non-foliated metamorphic rock and it forms when silica-rich sandstone is altered by metamorphism. Quartzite is a great substitute for marble. Unlike marble, which is mainly formed of calcite, this rock type is quartz based, therefore it is tougher and more resistant to stains, acids and abrasion. With its Mohs hardness of 7, quartzite is one of the hardest natural materials used in the dimension stone industry.
Marble is a non-foliated metamorphic rock that forms when limestone or dolomite is subject to heat and pressure (metamorphism). It is composed primarily of the mineral calcite and unlike granite or quartzite it is less hardwearing and more porous. Each marble slab is unique and full of personality. Marble kitchen worktops can be enjoyed for many years if sealed regularly. Marble is a graceful material that ages well if looked after and well-maintained.
Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed primarily of calcium carbonate. Depending on the formation process limestone can be classified as an organic or chemical sedimentary rock. Natural impurities present in the rock give limestone its characteristic beige-cream colour, but brown, grey and black limestone is not uncommon either. Limestone is one of the most porous natural stones. Its high porosity makes it more susceptible to absorption of oils, dirt and grime than other natural stones. Limestone is not recommended for kitchen worktops.
Sandstone is a clastic sedimentary rock composed mainly of silicate minerals. Silicate minerals are quartz and felspar, both present in granite, quartzite and even in engineered stones, like quartz stone and sintered stone. Sandstone is a natural stone type and it may be any colour. Most common sandstone colours are tan, brown, yellow, red, grey, pink, white and black. Depending on the formation process, some sandstones have excellent long-term weather resistance, hence used for paving and external cladding. Untreated sandstone is naturally slip resistant.
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